Monday, September 8, 2008


as humans we naturally have a lot of desires....a lot of basic instincts we have learned over time to survive...and come to think of it we can narrow down everything to food and to keep us alive...and sex to survive extinction....but as we have developed we have been trying to suppress or to channel these desires into something that is more acceptable for the society...but these primitive desires are still a major part of our daily one way or another we constantly refer to these desires and we cant really live without them....but then there is always a test which we are taught self-restraint from all our desires...the point of this activity is to change us from the primitive man to a socially acceptable and an intellectual being who can over come these desires and see life from a different perspective than just another animal hungry for food and sex..we are meant to to do something better with our lives then just go after these desires which everyone is subconsciously going through everyday of their lives.....