Sunday, November 9, 2008

Nothing lasts forever..everything in this world is mortal…there is a time for everything to end..and that time is something we can only predict and never be certain about...and we don’t realize but everything in this world is moving towards ITS time!...we are moving towards an END…we can never go back in time…and as the clock is ticking, time is running out…We know one day our existence will become someones memory…and we all know that depending on how strong an impression we made to everyone around us will b the factor that will keep us alive in others memories....its amazing how our lives will be transformed into just, memories…and after a certain amount of time most of us will hardly be remembered…we block every thought that comes to our mind about the end…these thoughts come back to us only when we experience death around us…
Our lives are insignificant on a time scale from the beginning of time till the end…they seem significant and sometimes never ending only to us, while to someone who is observing us and can do that from the beginning till the end would think of our lives as nothing more than a split second or even less…..we can even get a feeling of this when we consider our age and realize that how did we get that old? And where did the time go?

Thursday, November 6, 2008


There is so much detail in this world that we tend to many little things around many things happening all around us..but we only see what we want to see…we disregard whatever we want to and focus on whats important to us…we only seem to see or hear what we want to….what if we paid a little more attention to the world around us?...what if we were not that ignorant and gave other things a chance to be a part of our memories…?....what if we paid attention to little details? that’s what living is all about?..paying attention to whats happening around us?...we probably need to be influenced by those things to make our lives more meaning full or worth living….but what are we capable of when it comes to details?...our defence mechanisms try to defend our brain from overloading with information and capture what we seem to think is important and leave the rest….then what is knowledge? do u define its boundaries?....does knowing a lot of information knowledgeable or only whats important to others and to yourself?? do you define the boundaries for knowledge?? do you judge knowledge of a person about the world and its ways?..about the life and its mysteries?...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


out of all the things in life there is hardly anything that we can point and say is perfect...nothing is 100 % and we know it...our main goal as humans is always to focus on the majority and address and consider or change what the majority is going matter how much we try we cant reach perfection...we cant be perfect or change things to become perfect...

Monday, September 8, 2008


as humans we naturally have a lot of desires....a lot of basic instincts we have learned over time to survive...and come to think of it we can narrow down everything to food and to keep us alive...and sex to survive extinction....but as we have developed we have been trying to suppress or to channel these desires into something that is more acceptable for the society...but these primitive desires are still a major part of our daily one way or another we constantly refer to these desires and we cant really live without them....but then there is always a test which we are taught self-restraint from all our desires...the point of this activity is to change us from the primitive man to a socially acceptable and an intellectual being who can over come these desires and see life from a different perspective than just another animal hungry for food and sex..we are meant to to do something better with our lives then just go after these desires which everyone is subconsciously going through everyday of their lives.....

Sunday, August 10, 2008


we believe in alot of things...we believe in ourselves..we believe in society...most of us believe in rule..regulations...but the best and the most ultimate belief would believe in something that you have never seen...never felt...something you only hear about...something that is presumed to be watching whatever you do...that will be an ultimate test of faith..if you truly believe...THEN stand up for your believes....stop thinking like everybody else.. search for answers...make your belief stronger...
because ultimately you have nothing to fall back to...this life is unpredictable and worthless...we are mortal...and if this is it then....we are screwed....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


its something that someone might never think...but...come to think of it....there will always be something about you that no one else knows...and no one will ever find out...a secret or just an experience that only YOU went through...something no one else will take away from you..something thats only yours...that memory can be the only evidence that you have to yourself..that you are an individual...because you were alone..and something happened...which only you experienced...


everybody has to have an opinion about can be similiar to what others might have to say but everyone should be aware that having an opinion is a proof of their existence...
opinions show that we are human..and by that i mean that we are different from each other...esp when it comes to higher functions like thinking....everyone has a different personality...thats why everyone should have their own show that they might have something else to provide..

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


one thought can dominate your entire perspective on life and no matter how much you try to change, it just comes back..over and over to make you realize that you are incapable of thinking about anything else...and even when you do, you supconciously are thinking about it......
...there are times when one thought dominates your life at some point...its ususally something that scares you...or bothers you....or maybe it is an anticipation for something or someone...but there are times when you just cant let go of that thought...but there is always a reason why that thought keeps coming is there to remind us that there are things that need to be done...and it prepares you for the event that will happen...the one keeps telling you what you want...the thing that might need to be happy....or the thing that might hurt you....

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


We never realize, but actually, this world is a lot bigger then we assume...there are so many people in our lives...everyone has their own story....and there are so many people around many people we SEE each many people we hear about..on the news...from others....when we consider that....then we realize that we are a very minute part of something, very big....yet we feel special...important....independent...but to someone else we might just be a part of something...and might never be an individual....for e.g. if someone talks about you, they always refer to your country....your city....your school....or the people you know...and they always relate you to someone or something....whenever we think about someone we always categorize them...putting them into a larger group...before we consider them as an individual...
yet the whole world is moving towards individuality....everyone tries to be independent...
But without each other...we are nothing....

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


why should life be easy in the first place?....why should we assume that life should be all about flowers and sunshine??....because it isnt and people should be OK with it!....its not easy and there is a reason behind it...


This is one of those subjective things that everyone believes in...but the problem is that everyone assumes that it is something that everyone experiences in the same way...everyone generalizes happiness...people just want to be "HAPPY"...but most of the time, they dont know what they are looking for...and most of the time they want something just because someone else has it and they seem "happy" we automatically assume that that thing would make us happy too...what we fail to consider is that everyone is not as HAPPY as they might seem to be....everyone has problems to deal with and just because they seem happy does not mean that they are actually satisfied with their lives....and the reason for that is that happiness is overrated by everyone...everyone paints a picture with endless diversity of colors...but no one realizes that picture is not easy to paint and that life is not might seem easy for some people, but as a matter of fact, it is a is a test of integrity, faith, strength....

Monday, July 21, 2008


humans have the ability to forget....our memory is something that will always stay with us but wont always stay on our mind...there will be times when we will stop thinking about something and let it go....thats why all bad memories will eventually leave us alone...but they dont go without leaving there marks....bad memories in a way, always change you....thats how they try to stay with us...that could be in a good or a bad way..but they do....once they have changed you, its time for them to go....and then its up to us if we want them to come back or not, by doing the same mistakes we did we invite them back into our lives....and thats only because we didnot learn our lesson the first time...we didnt change our lives, our ways...we never bothered to change ourselves or maybe we didnt think those were bad memories to begin with...and it starts all over again....


our whole existence revolves around one in this life is important in the end but you....even when you lose someone close..ppl keep telling you to pull YOURSELF together...because its all about you and no one else....others come and go...the only one standing is always you...if you stop existing then that is were life ends....but if someone else stops goes on for you, no matter what...we die alone....


there are things in life that come naturaly to u...and somethings you work really hard for...but we never really appreciate what we have and always run after what we cant have or what we cant be....maybe this is what drives us to work...the whole purpose might be just to have something you can never have....and if u find it...u are what alot of people around you will never be.....but the worset part is that alot of people around us want exactly the same thing...and people who act all different and say that this is not what they want are actually hating the fact that they cant be like you....but then there are times when you dont get what you want....and that is a big blow to your existence...that is the time when you realzie that no matter what wont end still have to focus and and try for something new...but no matter what you say...deep down everyone knows that you are damaged and it would never be the same again....and the big question many times will it take for you to stop existing?....when will it be time to let go?....


fear is natural....we are most of the times, afraid of what is happening around us...and that fear basically makes us aware of our surroundings...if we had no fear we would inflict damage to ourselves...and thats how we learn lessons in inflicting damage...when we are young everything is exciting....we are as we age, we have inflicted enough pain to ourselves that it makes it impossible to live life without fear....and soon that fear takes over our entire life...
children on the other hand are so fearless that they might never realize what might harm them until they have experienced pain...


what really scares me is when people get old..what goes through their mind? they always feel scared that one day its all going to end??...what if they are alone and old?...what would I do if I was in that position?..would I still have a positive approach towards life?...see the point is that one day I am going to realize that I am old…I probably have a few years left..and I probably will die soon..then what would I do?..will I care about people remembering me?..or will I just except the fact that its all over…will I just give up and die before I actually die??..what if I do something really impressive and people remember me but after few years no one even remembers what I looked like or who I was?...i would be dead and it wont matter…nothing would matter..everything would be over and I could do nothing about it….then why cant I choose to have a life or not??..if I cant choose when to die?..then why cant I choose to have a life in the first place???...why are we forced into this life?..why go through so much trouble?...why go through all the bullshit?..and for what?...if I had a choice..i would choose to never be born..never go through thi stupid pointless life….because in the end..u die…and no one can do anything about it…and everyone goes away…u are left alone…and then you die alone..

why do we have to see death?...why cant people just vapourize?...or vanish?...why do we have to see them fall sick and in pain?..why do we even have the instinct to care for others…I wish I could just stop caring….that would never hurt me…and I know that’s very selfish but It would be so easy to see people come and go…never to be sad or feel bad about them…I guess one of the reasons why I wanted to be a doctor was to stop caring…and never to get hurt…because once I experience death more than anyone else..i might be able to deal with it…because right now it’s the worst feeling to listen talk or do anything about


the basic concept of this world is randomness...there is nothing that can be justified...everything is so random...the only way to justify things is statistics...which basically are an excuse to ignore everything that is wrong in this world and to consider only the most dominating or the most powerful evidence...and i think all those people who consider just one event and build their lives on it are although naive, but are in no way wrong...atleast they do believe in one thing..while others have to take a general concensis and then decide..they are basically scared to live there life...they rather live life with facts and evidence...while it is nothing but randomness...which no one can predict...what if you are a part of one of those rare events that almost never happens??..will you be able to ignore it?..will you still live your life that revolves around a bunch of statistical facts which would mean nothing to you at that point....for example statistics show that 1 in every 1000 people crossing for example the main road infront of the place u live will will you be the one who thinks 1 is a significant number or will you think that its ridiculous to think that someone will die...because the statistics are so low....but everything will cahnge once you are the 1....your idea about te satisitical fact would change drastically....
this brings us to the unpredictability of is so amazing that most of us can atleast predict our daily routines or anticipate what will happen tomorrow....if we didnot have that capability or if life was so unpredicitable that everyday would be the most different day ever spend in your entire life uptill that point, then it would be exciting to wake up everyday...not knowing what might happen the very next second....this is something we learn from the time we are born...because for a child every second would be a new feeling and a new sensation....children are no wonder always excited and happy....for them life is full of surprises and unpredictable events...but do we ever fear life when we are children? we ever get scared when we cant predict what might happen?....