Monday, July 21, 2008


there are things in life that come naturaly to u...and somethings you work really hard for...but we never really appreciate what we have and always run after what we cant have or what we cant be....maybe this is what drives us to work...the whole purpose might be just to have something you can never have....and if u find it...u are what alot of people around you will never be.....but the worset part is that alot of people around us want exactly the same thing...and people who act all different and say that this is not what they want are actually hating the fact that they cant be like you....but then there are times when you dont get what you want....and that is a big blow to your existence...that is the time when you realzie that no matter what wont end still have to focus and and try for something new...but no matter what you say...deep down everyone knows that you are damaged and it would never be the same again....and the big question many times will it take for you to stop existing?....when will it be time to let go?....

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