Sunday, November 9, 2008

Nothing lasts forever..everything in this world is mortal…there is a time for everything to end..and that time is something we can only predict and never be certain about...and we don’t realize but everything in this world is moving towards ITS time!...we are moving towards an END…we can never go back in time…and as the clock is ticking, time is running out…We know one day our existence will become someones memory…and we all know that depending on how strong an impression we made to everyone around us will b the factor that will keep us alive in others memories....its amazing how our lives will be transformed into just, memories…and after a certain amount of time most of us will hardly be remembered…we block every thought that comes to our mind about the end…these thoughts come back to us only when we experience death around us…
Our lives are insignificant on a time scale from the beginning of time till the end…they seem significant and sometimes never ending only to us, while to someone who is observing us and can do that from the beginning till the end would think of our lives as nothing more than a split second or even less…..we can even get a feeling of this when we consider our age and realize that how did we get that old? And where did the time go?

1 comment:

Joy Leftow said...

a time to end a time to begin a time to spend a time to love
